So I've been wanting to get a treadmill for Abby. I have been patiently fixated on KSL waiting for the deal of the century. And then it happened. Practically new, for only twenty bucks! The only catch was that the computer didn't work. Hey....who cares about the computer as long as the belt goes around, right? I talked to the owner and asked several different times in several different ways, to be sure that the belt actually turned. He assured me that it did.
So Al and Dustin ponied up and went down to Spanish Fork to get it for me. Seems that the 100 lb machine was actually considerably more than that and twice as awkward, BUT it truly is beautiful, practically new and perfect in every way and... I'm sure the belt
can go around. Except, it really can't because the computer won't come on to tell it to. It doesn't run. At all. At. All.
So I guess it falls under the "too good to be true" catagory. But Al knows a BYU student graduating in electrical engineering. He is looking at the schematic. He says he thinks he can rewire and bypass the computer. So I am keeping the faith. Until then... Abby and I practice getting on and off. She's got that part down really well. She stands there wondering whats suppose to happen next. Now...if it would only move.