Saturday, April 27, 2013

278.5 credits, 52 semesters and 7 pages of transcripts

I have said goodbye to BYU so many times before... 

*As a sophmore when I married my children's father.
*As a junior when I realized that making my children wait for lunch until I finished my choreography was messed up.
*As a graduate with a BA in Dance.
*As a graduate with a MA in Dance.
*As a post grad with a Athletic Training Cert.
*And now, 32 credits of prerequisite classes behind me and accepted into a PA program.

Ive been pre-physical therapy, dance, sign language interpreter, dance, dance rehab and conditioning, athletic training and post bacc-non traditional chemistry/bioscience.  What a trip.

The gratitude to parents, spouses, children, family, friends, organizations and institutions that have empowered this journey is overwhelming to feel, much less describe.  I treasure this support and hold it sacred in my heart.

After 34 years, I've ended my BYU legacy. Two days ago,
I walked out of the testing center for the very last time. I'm really leaving this time.  I mean it.