So I've had enough of the yearly comments made by my children under their breath (and over their breath) about how we don't have any Christmas traditions in our family.
Now I could argue that. (There has always been a Christmas tree, Scott.)
But then again, growing up, they had to be flexible with their holidays as they shuttled back and forth between parents and adapted to a blended family. Maybe their point is valid.
This is the year it's gonna change. There will be TRADITIONS.
New socks on Christmas Eve. From now until the day I die, each one will open a present on Christmas Eve that will contain a new pair of socks. Everyone will have happy feet.
A pickle in the Christmas tree. That's right. A pickle. It is a Norwegian tradition (from what I've heard). I'm adopting it. The pickle is hidden in the tree and there is a treat for every girl and boy who can find it :-)
And lastly, there will be music. Jingle Bells and other tunes played on wrapping paper tubes. Those lovely cardboard instruments resonate a fabulous tone when whacked on one's own (or someone else's) head.
Everyone should have a few traditions tucked in their heart pocket as they go through life. I hope I'm not too late. Merry Christmas to all.