Sunday, June 27, 2010

Meet Chirp

Chirp fell from his rooftop nest on Friday. Kind of a scrawny little guy/girl (how do you tell?). I soaked some of Abby's food and mixed it with Gerber's Rice cereal. When he opens his throat and starts flinging his head around, I shove it in. He sleeps through the night and eats every hour or two all day long. Chirp is gonna have to go to work with me tomorrow. Abby offered to tend, but I said no. Abby is attentive enough, its just that when her big snout touches his beak, her breathe knocks Chirp over... and Abby's big, wild, misplaced paws are a bit dangerous. I've rescued hundreds of baby birds in my lifetime, never had one actually survive. I'm not quite sure what happens next....


  1. Funny! my mom rescued some kittens someone dropped off in the field! One has died like 3 times and she has brought the little fellow back to life with formula and baby cereal in a syringe!
    You guys should talk about life saving techniques!
